Choose Your Own Adventure:
    Attack of the Aures

    You live in a village called Nemes.  Each day you gather fruit and nuts, hunt, fish, and do small chores around the house.  You do the same things day after day.  One day you are cleaning a fish in your family’s hut when a frantic woman runs into the village clearing.
    “The Aures are coming!” she screams.  “They are attacking!”
    Panic floods the village and people are running everywhere, some trying to gather their things and escape and some just running into the forest to get away.
    You have never experienced this before, but you have heard of the attacks the Aures had brought in the past.  You had heard many rumors about how they took their prisoners as slaves and some of how they would raid a village and burn all the huts to the ground and kill everyone.  As these thoughts flood your mind, panic threatens to take over, but you force yourself to remain calm.
    To the left of your hut, you can see your father and the other Nemes warriors lining up to try to ward off the attack.  Your mother is running around the tiny village trying to find your two brothers and your little sister.  You can barely see her through all the activity taking place but you know you have to act fast.
    Do you help your mother look for your siblings in the village clearing?  -2-
    Do you look for them in the forest?  You know your brothers often go to the lake and your sister sometimes goes to pick berries.  -3-
    Do you try to gather some of your belongings? -4-
    Or do you run and hide in the woods? -5-